Online Marketing Coach

Some small business owners or entrepreneurs want to stay in control and on top of their own marketing.


For others their budget simply won’t stretch as far as being able to afford a marketing agency or consultant to take care of it for them.

However, doing it yourself can be tough, especially if you lack the skills or expertise required to achieve your goals.

Sound familiar?

  • You spend hours Googling β€œhow to” do something, reading blog article after blog article and watching endless YouTube videos on repeat and you still don’t get the desired results

  • You’re confused by conflicting methods and strategies. Not sure who to trust for advice. You wonder why everyone else seems to be doing better than you are in terms of rankings and opportunities.

WHat’s included?

  • A personalised training plan created to help you do the things that matter most

  • 2 x 45 minute video calls per month (ideally one at the start and one at the end of the month)

  • Ongoing Email/WhatsApp support so you can receive feedback on progress in between calls

  • The option to book additional time with me at a reduced hourly rate

If you want to learn how to market your business for yourself then online marketing coaching is for you